Wednesday 21 February 2007

Canadian Cell Phone Users, Don't Forget!!!

As of March 14, 2007, Canadians will own their current phone numbers and have the choice to switch to any cellular provider. Which means your current provider is going to try to lock you into a term contract as soon as possible before this date. No matter what they offer you, try to hold out and do not renew your contract. The deals are just going to get even better after the 14th, so wait and shop around because you'll have more bargaining power. I'm with Telus Mobility right now, but when my contract is finished with them, I'll probably go with Rogers or Fido. I just hate how Telus restricts some of the software on their cell phones. They want you to buy ring tones and wallpaper from their site, when you could make all of that yourself. A lot of the new phones have that capability when you sync it to a computer, but Telus and Bell Mobility disable that feature in the phones they sell you. I've already purchased a GSM phone from the Philippines and it's unlocked, which means I can take it anywhere around the world and use it, as long as it has a SIM card. It'll be the phone I use when I sign-up with Rogers or Fido. Click on the blog title for more information on the law change. Anyways, good luck hunting people.


lotus coast said...

How do you make wallpapers for you phone or ring tones? How do you upload that?

Verra interesting eddie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

once again edroker brings the power to the people!!

Ian Mendoza said...

Thanks for the update. Soon you will be able to use that new phone of your again!

The EdRocker said...

Yo Kelly Kelly,

I have a Motorola phone, so I use the Motorola Phone Tools program. I think it's only for PCs right now because I remember you trying it on your Mac and it didn't work. Anyways, I just use a photo editing program like Microsoft's Office Picture Manager. I edit any photo I want to use for my wallpaper to the dimensions of the cell phone's screen, then transfer them via a USB connection from my computer to my phone. For my ring tones, I use the melody creator in the Phone Tools program on my computer. MP3s are really popular now for ring tones, so I usually edit those on my computer, then transfer them to my phone. I'm not too sure about the other brands of phones, but with the Motorolas this is the way to go.