Saturday 12 September 2015

Happy Birthday Glenn!!!

I drove down to Surrey this afternoon to celebrate this guy's birthday!
They needed two cakes in order to get enough candles for this old timer.  LOL!
He doesn't even know what's coming.  Haha!
"Happy Birthday to Glenn!" 
He blew out most of the candles...
and the leftovers he put out by hand.  Haha!
A lot of people showed-up for the party!
In the evening it was time for some poker.  I started out with this stack...
and then slowly it grew to this (right)!
Eventually, I got all the chips from Glenn and won $340!  :-)

Big thanks to Glenn and Gina for having us all over!!!
After the party, I drove over to Point Roberts to pick-up this,
it's a power bank by Solpro.
Ever since our crazy windstorm, I've been prepping for another disaster.  ;-)
You can open it up to reveal its solar panels, so it can recharge under the sun!
You can also just plug it into a power source.
No electricity?  No problem.  ;-)

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