Saturday 23 December 2017

Family's In Town!!! (Day 4)

This fur ball is going to get cut today.  Hehe...
After dropping-off June at the groomers, I took my cousin for some gelato.  :-)
Eventually, I got the call from Bark Avenue to pick-up my girl,
so I left downtown via a SeaBus.  ;-)
When I arrived at the groomers, I was shocked to see that they had dyed June's hair BLACK!?!
Kidding, it was another Labradoodle named Marty!  Haha!
Here she is...
looking like a lioness!  :-)
What a cutie!
"Yeah, you heard me."  ;-)
She found her spot at home again.
We met-up with the others once they arrived at their house.
Callum finally got a better chance to interact with June.
He was diggin' it!
June, Callum, and Allan.
One is eating rice and one is not.  You decide.  ;-)
June relaxing while Ate Gloria and Joan cleaned-up.
I just want to squeeze her!  Haha!
June's got Mom's back.  :-)
Mom gave Callum a big hug...
because Allan and them are leaving tomorrow morning.
Callum was trying to get in the picture...
and he was successful!  LOL!

Merry Christmas you guys!!!  :-)

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