Sunday 16 June 2013

Conquer the Chief!

The Deumas picked me up this morning and we headed-up to Squamish to hike the Stawamus Chief!  I invited the Nasus to join us too.
Mike, Natasha, Mariza, Harold, Hilda, Evan, Carol, and Boris.
Look how much Mariza has grown!
Off we go.
I have to admit when Mike said his kids were coming, I thought they were going to slow us down, but they did the exact opposite.  Evan and Mariza totally kicked ass on this hike!
Evan was actually the first of us to make it to the First Peak!
There he goes again, taking the lead.
The view from the First Peak is much better than the higher Second and Third Peaks.
The weather was perfect too!
There's Downtown Squamish.
Group shot sans Harold.  He decided to do the Second Peak instead.
Time to get silly.
Whoa!  What the Hell?!?  Who brought the Yakuza?!?  ;-)
We got some hardcore climbers here!
It seems Evan has mastered the art of levitation!
The Force is strong with this family.  ;-)
I too have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Master Yoda has taught me well.  ;-)
Boris was such a gentleman by assisting the ladies down the peak.
"Oh, oh, help me Boris!!!"  LOL!
On our way to the Nasu residence, we dropped by a Booster Juice where I spotted a push bike on this bike rack.  Talk about overkill.  ;-)
Carol maxin' & relaxin' in Evan's backyard.
Mike and Natasha invited us over for some drinks and roasted marshmallows!  :-)
Gratitude to the Deumas for driving and to the Nasus for entertaining us!!!  :-) 
Back in town, I got picked-up by Tim.
Georgia prepared some dinner for us at their new place!  It was also a little thank you for helping Tim move yesterday.  Hehe...
And to think, I used to frequent Heirloom to enjoy Georgia's cooking.  LOL!

Delicious as usual, Georgia!!!  :-)

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