Tuesday 15 November 2016

Full-Time Work (Season 2: Day 34)

Check it out, I'm (Lucas Talent) a Grounder!  ;-)
Oh and look, one of our continuity background performers booked an actor role today!

Congratulations Georgia (Showbiz Management)!!!  :-)
Now, that's one way to ride a camera dolly.  ;-)
Our focus pullers got into the act too!  LOL!
During our lunch break, Cash and Caitlyn stood guard.  :-)
Whoa!  Brea and I (Lucas Talent) almost look the same in this photo!
Yup, the giant bean bags were still in action.  Haha!
Big thanks to the Props Department for accepting my referral of Surya!!!  :-)
They got him three days of work this week!  Woohoo!!!
Shades of "TRON" in this shot.  ;-)
Tucker loves his shit!  Haha!
(Lucas Talent) guess the Galactic Empire's hiring gorillas!  Hehe...
Looks like these two are done with their folding chairs.  LOL!

Production: Confidential.
Type of Call: Stand-in.
Length of Call: 12 Hours.

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