Tuesday 26 February 2013

Shellaine & Ron's Wedding (Day 2)

Oh wow, what a nice morning!
I joined Gerald at the gym for an early workout.
Up...  Come on, more energy!"
Time to take a closer look at the dolphins.
"He showed-off splashing around..."
I'm so opposed to these dolphin parks after watching "The Cove", but I might as well photograph them since they're right in front of me.  :-(

You can't help, but be amazed by them.
Apparently, they're in heat too!  LOL!
After working-out, I joined Faye for some yoga under the gazebo.
Our instructor was Luis from the resort's Entertainment Team.
Shortly after our session, he held a rifle shooting competition!
It was hilarious how close the targets were to the patrons at the bar!
It was a pellet gun, but still a hazard regardless.
"Is this thing loaded?"

I came close, but never did hit the target.  :-(
The girls were actually better!
It was a good day to lay by the beach!
While we hung-out here, my room was being switched over.

I finally got the king-size bed...
with a view of the ocean and the dolphin pool!  :-)
I grabbed some lunch at the World Cafe.
And then watched some people pay to swim with dolphins.

The dolphin-powered lift...

It looks fun,
but I just couldn't do it.

The dolphin drag...

Reward time.
What a cutie!
Dolphins are slick.
PBO approaching!
Another dolphin drag.
This one's jumping over the peeps!
Oh wow, a whale tail!
Time for some rest on the big bed.
In the evening, a bunch of us went out to Oceana for dinner.
The Arrachera Mar y Tierra (aka Surf & Turf) was good here!
I ordered a Creme Brulee and some Coffee with Baileys for dessert.  ;-)
Ewa and Michelle on the swings...
Lining-up the Lemon Drops...
With flash...
Back to the lounge we go!

I eventually made my way to Desires because...
Itzel and Emily were hosting a karaoke night!
Who's my favourite resort employee?
Fun times, but it only lasted for an hour.  :-(
Kayla, another member of the Entertainment Team looked for people who were interested in going clubbing tonight.  She's actually from Langley, BC and...
happens to be Emily's roommate!
The girls...
Look at this fucken place.  There's only one official exit from the pyramid rooms!  If the middle of the pyramid was blocked, the only way I could get out would be to jump into the dolphin pool.  This resort would never pass Canadian or American building codes.
I ordered some Arrachera to my room to end the night.  ;-)

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