Friday 11 January 2008

Hockey Night in Richmond

Rich, George, and I headed over to the Richmond Ice Centre to play a little hockey tonight. Here's a photo of the Dumbass himself. LOL!!!The game usually starts at 10:30 pm. I was already tired after my 3rd shift. LOL!!!! Here's Paul with Bill behind him. Paul's one of our best guys on the ice. That's me wearing the number 10. A shot of Tony, the organizer of our night... Game's over, time to go home.


Anonymous said...

hey what jersey is that?

The EdRocker said...

That my friend is the "Rookies 2000" jersey that I got from you!!! I figured someone would recognize it here. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

haha...nice, when you gonna come play here?

The EdRocker said...

Dude, I don't know. Maybe Summer?