Tuesday 14 April 2009

Back in Blue (Day 2)

Here I (Keystone Extrasam holding Billie's box in the morning.  She brought her books for everyone that made an order last week. Charles (Showbiz Managementhad a halo on his head. Barry (Def-Con -5 Talent)! Posing with Maria, one of our make-up artists on set... Christopher (Muse Artist Management) had a little snack before we got on set. The Pegster with her magnifying mirror... Teresa (Local Colorlooking like a Dark Angel... Billie (Showbiz Managementand I (Keystone Extraswith the books I ordered from her, "Going Down Swinging" and "The Chick at the Back of the Church"... Yup, that's Tim, our wrangler! Andrew reading the sides to us... I'm (Keystone Extraslaughing at the table of girls across from me. (Keystone Extrasjoined them for this shot. Freda! Eeewww...  Troy (Blink Managementgot a bruised banana from crafties. Billie (Showbiz Managementwith Bill (Keystone Extras), another satisfied customer... Suzanne, Tim, and I (Keystone Extrasenjoyed the sun today. "Momma say, Momma saw, my MOCCASINS!" Tina (Keystone Extras), Theresa (Local Color), Gina (Keystone Extras), and Peggy called up Kirk to wish him, "Happy Birthday!" Originally, we weren't scheduled for lunch, but we shot longer than planned. You gotta love that! The sun was still shining when I waited for the bus after work!  Production: Click the entry's title.  Type of Call: 22 Background.  Length of Call: 9 1/2 hours.

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