Monday 14 July 2014


Alex (Showbiz Management) is dancing!
He's (Showbiz Management) dancing for breakfast!  LOL!
Cutie pie Tina (Local Color) brought her breakfast to holding.
I (Lucas Talent) love being on this show because the crew is fun to work with!
A shot of the mighty Fraser River.
It's so surreal to see a train pass by our set and it happens quite often here!  Haha!
I had to take another photo of the Bedford House because it's slated to get torn down for another condo development.  :-(
I (Lucas Talent) met Michelle (Lucas Talent) for the first time today!  Both of us happen to be with the most awesome agency in town!  ;-)
Congratulations to Greg (Showbiz Management) for booking an actor role on the new TV series "Olympus"!!!  :-)
Michelle (Lucas Talent) has beautiful eyes!
Me (Lucas Talent), not so much.  Haha!

Production: Click here.
Type of Call: 17 Background.
Length of Call: 12 Hours.
After we wrapped, I drove over to Hilda and Boris' house.
Boris kept his grill warm, so I brought over a steak!
This stuff is good!  :-)
When I was done eating, Boris and I took our rides to the car wash.  It's going to be our little ritual.  LOL!
Looks like Carina is going to get a visit from the Tooth Fairy tonight!  ;-)

Gratitude to the Deumas for my little pit stop!!!  :-)

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