Wednesday 21 March 2007

The 4400

Earlier this morning I get up at 7:59 am for no apparent reason, and just when I was about to lay down again, I get a call from my background agent, Krista. Someone didn't show up for work, so launch EdRocker on Alert Five as a replacement. Yahoo, I got to chill with Rachael at the University of British Columbia's Chan Centre, "Happy days are here again..." Hey look, it's Arricc playing a riot policeman, let's get the fuck outta here! Anyways, aside from the weather being cold and rainy, it was a good day of work.


Memphis said...

you were at the 4400 center!?? whew that's cool! i'm watchin that series!

Anonymous said...

I love you for going to set that day. Love. You. - Krista