Saturday 24 March 2007


I worked on this sci-fi series yesterday for 14 hours at the Vancouver Film Studios. As you can see in this photo, it was raining again. It was a bit of a cattle call, but they're always fun because you get to meet up with a lot of people you haven't seen in a while. Two thirds of the Wrangler Trinity, Ntsikie and Brynn... Here's Julia, Vernard's wife... Sebastian and Daniel solving crosswords... I met Lisa for the first time... New UBCP Apprentice Members, John and George... Crystal flashing her beautiful smile... This girl's awesome. She rides a motorcycle and she used to play "StarCraft"!!! The always entertaining, Sukh enjoys playing baseball during down time. We had two meal breaks because we worked so long.The dreaded boxed lunch and...Aaahhh yes, food off the truck. You gotta love it!!!


Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed that in every picture of you in holding, Angela Ferreira appears in the corner? It's true. Kind of like that lady in The Grudge... - Krista

The EdRocker said...

You know, I did notice that when I uploaded the photos. She's pretty fun to work with on set, when she's not floating around up in the ceiling...LOL