Tuesday 20 May 2008

Working in the Lost City

I headed over to Bridge Studios this morning to work on this popular spin-off. I haven't been on this show in years because "Stargate SG-1" was my regular gig at the time.Sabine always worked with me too on the original series. I guess we both got transferred now. LOL!!! Here's Jerry! "What the fuck you looking at?!?" (re: a Mark Wahlberg incident) LOL!!! Wendy reading the sides... I sat beside Aylin in holding. Here she is posing with Robyn. A shot of holding... It was wet in the morning, but the sun came out in the afternoon for a bit. Lunch time! Bill squared... Too bad we didn't get a shot with the assistant director, it would have been 'Bill cubed'. LOL!!! Production: Click the entry's title. Type of Call: 27 Background. Length of Call: 10 1/2 hours.

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