Saturday 5 November 2011

Flash Mob at Holt Renfrew

The day had finally come for us to put what we rehearsed last week into action! Holt Renfrew is having an early Christmas event this weekend, so they wanted to do something special, hence the flash mob of us singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas".
Whoa, I've never been up these stairs before!
Here's our outfits!
Dig the epaulettes.
They had to make all the drummers' cheeks all rosy.
The Drummer Boy all suited-up...
And ready to be part of the 'twelve drummers drumming'.
The rest of the drummers getting ready...
The 'six geese a laying'...
We drummers were ready for action!
We had one last rally speech by Sara before we all went out to perform.
What do we have here? Two Turtle Doves underneath a table!
Kim waiting to escort us out...
Time for us to march out.
 Here we are in action.
We had to stay absolutely still until it was our turn to do some drumming.  The looks on the customers' faces when we all came out were priceless!

Here's the video!
After our performances, we all gathered back into the boardroom to give thanks to everyone involved in putting this event together.
It was a great success!
Sara and Kim got all teary-eyed. :-)
Sara (Glee Camp) and Chan (Goh Ballet) both received flower bouquets from Kim and the Holt Renfrew staff for all their hard work.
I wanted to get a shot with Kim.
And so did Sara
Great job people!!! 
Big thanks to Sara for letting me be a part of it all!!!
Carina was able to watch our final performance!
Hilda and Mateo all came down to see the action.
Looks like Boris is taking part in Movember. LOL!
Awww, this reminds me of Rob's wife, Jennifer.
Check it out! Holt Renfrew gave each performer a gift bag!
I could totally use this towards a new bottle of cologne!
Mateo is such a happy boy.
Maybe it's because we ordered some Nachos at Salsa Agave!
They ran out of their Milanesa, so we ordered their Carne Asada instead.
For dessert, Tres Leches Cake! It's so good here!
Gratitude to the Deumas for coming out today!!!


Jonathan Boudin said...

Hey Ed, I was also one of the drummers. Great blog - what a fun day! Nice to meet you.


The EdRocker said...

Thanks Jon! I wanna do something like that again!