Sunday 6 March 2011

Bingo, Booze, and Blasphemy

I had a couple of hours to kill after my workout, so I snapped a few shots downtown. The fountains in front of the Sheraton Wall Centre were pretty good subjects. I just love fooling around with the long-shutter settings on my camera. It's the secret to making a laser show out of some passing cars. ;-) I eventually made my way to BLIM for Bingo, Booze, and Blasphemy! It was time to get our bingo on. Holly came too, but with a healthy appetite! Andrea was the Hobbit responsible for inviting us to this event. Here she is taking a turn at rolling the bingo balls out. Our table... There was a good turn-out this year for Tara Cheyenne's fundraiser! People could barely fit! Our table actually had 3 bingos in a row! Holly brought her lucky charms with her tonight! I may not have bingoed tonight, but at least I walked away with this cool toque!
Make sure to check out Tara Cheyenne's site:

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Fatty said...
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