Sunday 27 March 2011

Brunch avec les Deumas

Cafe Regalade has only been open for a week, but it was time to check this place out! I called-up the Deumas after my workout to meet them for brunch here. I've eaten at this location when it was a patisserie, but now the owners have re-opened it as a bistro! Carina just woke-up after her drive into town. Posing with Hilda and Mini-Hilda... Carina poking her Pain au Chocolat... This was my Basque Breakfast! It was so good, I polished-off the skillet. Hilda had a Mushroom Omelette. And Boris ordered a Ciabatta with Chicken, Tomatoes, Mozzarella, and Pesto. Looks like I'm coming here again, but not on Mondays because they're closed. After our meal, we drove down to Granville Island. We strolled through the Public Market. Boris wants to come back here with his camera because of all the colourful stands. I took them to the Lobster Man aka the poor man's aquarium. We then walked over to the pond by Kids Market to see the ducks and geese. This goose was bobbing its head. They were so close to the wharf, I eventually goosed one of them! LOL! Carina walked through the tunnel at the Water Park. "Ice Cream!!!" at Rogers' Chocolates... "Lick and twist," said Boris. "You have failed me for the last time..." Darth Vader
I'm still working on my choke hold. ;-)
Good times you guys!!!


Anonymous said...

awww so cute, my new friend hehe
Hilda must be due soon too :)

The EdRocker said...

I think it's a boy.