Saturday 6 February 2010

California Trip (Day 15)

Oh boy, Becky was making breakfast this morning! What a way to start the day. Yoda wanted some too. I rode the Metro downtown. Downtown Los Angeles... Inside the Los Angeles Central Library... I rode the bus through Beverly Hills. You can see the sign if you look closely at this photo. That's the Westwood Federal Building... I caught another bus and arrived at this place were everyone had to take this tram up to... the Getty Center!!! Finally here. There goes the tram back down the hill. This place was magnificent. It was so grand. The sun was going down, so I toured the outside first. The garden here was not to be missed. I never realized how popular this place was. I kept thinking of Fatty when I was here. Fatty would have loved this garden. The Central Garden is awesome! The spectacular view of the city from here... Santa Monica and the rest of the beaches are down there. PBO spotted! Time to look at some paintings. Hey, there's that ass again! Pretty girl. As long as the paintings aren't borrowed, you can take photos of them. I'd do her. I gotta get me a pair of wings. I like this one. Justice is being guided by a flame to wreak revenge on the murderer. It's dark outside now. This sculpture depicts Archangel Michael casting out the rebellious angels from heaven. This one is cool. It's got Perseus holding Medusa's severed head towards his adversaries in the club and turning them into stone. Seems fitting with all the movies like "Clash of the Titans" and "Percy Jackson" coming out soon. A girl and her doggie... I loved this bust of Belisarius. Bust of a PBO... A regatta, reminds me of the BVI. More boats... Another girl with a dog... Passing outside again... Self-portraits... Entering the Decorative Arts Level... It's hard to believe this was all hand-carved from wood! This is not IKEA. This bed reminds me of the Popa Fatt residence. This bed would look good in a pimp pad. "What is this?" I thought. Ah... I see. All this furniture was making me think of Lila. I dig the sun's face. Just try to deliver these furniture into a condo in Yaletown. Beautiful tapestries here... I was getting lost in this place. A fancy writing desk... This was one crazy ass clock. A double-sided writing desk assumed to have been used by accountants... A pretty centrepiece... Melt these and you can make silver bullets to kill werewolves. Rad! Reminds me of the Ark of the Covenant. Cool sculptures... "Hey Bud, have you seen Gandalf?" PBO on the right! These horsies remind me of Dr. Nick Kleider. Neptune... Seriously, who takes the time to make such a thing? Dude! Saturn is eating one of his kids?!? Okay, now the furniture is beginning to scare me. I'm outta here! It's pretty here at night. More paintings... Horsie!!! Sailboats!!! Another horsie! It was time to go. The Getty Center is certainly an impressive facility. I felt I rushed through it though. I'm going to visit this place again when I return. It's well worth another look!

1 comment:

Fatty said...

Jealous ...gotta go there, it looks incredible!!!!!!!
i have a bonner