Saturday 20 February 2010

Olympic Shenanigans

We were trying to get into the Yaletown Brewing Company tonight to celebrate Monica's birthday. But there was a line-up. It was packed inside. The streets of Yaletown were packed too! Oh Canada! We were wondering what was up with these girls walking around with umbrellas. Some kids enjoying the artificial snow... The umbrella girls started to dance on spot. And then they were off. We were off too because we got tired of waiting in line. Andrea and Dave... I bumped into Stephen and Cara by a street vendor! I was hungry, so Andrea suggested I get something at Urban Fare. Dave could use this as his profile pic. Andrea bought me this $4 Cheesecake. It was really good! Thanks Andrea!!! Brandon, Homer, Mark, Lachlan, and Dave... There was a house party going on here. Andrea and I decided to check-out the craziness on Granville Street. It was insane! PBOs going clubbin'... Andrea amongst the throngs... We saw a group of people dancing on the sidewalk. This was why. To say Granville Street is the epicentre would be an understatement. Another shot of Andrea with the crazy crowds... Honestly, it's unbelievable how many people are walking the streets. At Granville & Robson... Andrea and the flags inside Hotel Vancouver... On Robson Street now... Great shot Andrea!!! Back at Brandon's, Carmen and Simone were here! The cops on bikes were telling people to get off this part of the street. They seemed pissed-off. I guess they're just frustrated with dealing with crowds of this magnitude. A shot of a PBO's butt! This is the best hockey jersey I've seen so far at the games!

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