Thursday 16 June 2011

Fixies & Cats

So, I finally got a chance to ride with Kenji today! The weather totally co-operated with us too! Hey, we both have front Aerospokes on our rides! As we rode downtown, we passed by the locations of last night's riots. That's Steve Darling reporting in front of the Canada Post Main Office! We checked out the aftermath on Georgia Street. I posed in front of the boarded-up windows at the Bay. As you can see, many people signed the panels expressing they're feelings of last night's events. The department store was just one of many merchants that were looted in last night's riot. There was so much destruction, but many Vancouverites came down to volunteer in the clean-up today! A lot of people came down to see all the damage that was caused. Fuck, there were so many store windows shattered on Granville Street! It's so weird to see the city back to normal after last night's anarchy. We eventually continued our ride along the seawall. Riding through Coal Harbour... We got hungry, so we stopped by the Mill... for some Pulled-Pork Sandwiches! Quite tasty, I must say. :-) Uh oh, Kenji suffered a flat tire, but he was able to take care of it pretty quick and we continued our ride. After my little bike ride this afternoon, I went over to Marie and Simon's place to rehearse a couple of scenes from "13 Witches". I love their cat, Mallory! She's so fat! Mallory and Marie sitting on the sofa... She so cute!!! I just want to squeeze her to death, but that would be against the law. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I cant understand how people can destroy their city just because their team lost the grand final. How insane is that! I often think when that happens maybe it must be those groups of protesters who just like to cause damange and destruction and arent even real fans. It makes me sad.

The EdRocker said...

Actually, that's true! There was a small group of anarchists that did start it up, but because of the loss, a lot of disgruntled fans joined into the mix. :-(