Thursday 30 August 2007

the L word

A whole bunch of us went down to the Centre for Performing Arts to work on this night shoot. Here's Tracie. Posing with Tracie and Deb... Herb was there... And Diana, who I haven't seen in a while. Our holding was set-up on the second floor. George and Tony... Getting a shot with Michele... Look it's Tasha, another friend who I haven't worked with in some time! It's Tammy Baby. It's always fun times with Sukh. Morgan was one of the wranglers today. Oh no, it's Vernard trying to stir-up some trouble by talking about religion and politics on set. LOL!!! Posing with Roland and Tracie... Laura was there, but without her partner in crime, Rhonda... Tasha modeling in front of a fan... Here I am with Greg. Karen and her daughter, Megan share a donut... I met Marlene for the first time tonight. Some more hotties... Nice dress... Nice shoes... Vernard and Karen... Morgan and I sitting at her table... Damn, I've worked with Jade how many times this month? Oh no..., the look of dismay on Sukh's face... Myra and I wore matching colours. Trying on Karen's lipstick... LOL!!! Diana... Diana again... George... Getting a shot with Peri... "Great pose, Deb!" Chillin' with Diana... Playing the part of adoring fans and the paparazzi at a movie premier... The assistant directors needed more flashes from the crowd, so they told me to use my camera. LOL!!! Who's that familiar face? Why it's Nathaniel!Olivani played one of the paparazzi. Bridget played a celebrity. Here I am with Sheri, who I also met her for the first time tonight. Everyone resting inside during one of our breaks... Some people aren't really used to night shoots. Back to work, but on the other side now. Tapping my heels on the red carpet... Now, in front of the poster... Everyone kept asking me, "It's 3 in the morning, where do you get your energy from?" But, what they don't know is that I'm an Energy Vampire. I feed off of anyone near me. Buuuwaaahhhaaahhaaa!!! Typical paparazzi shot... (What the cameras don't see) Tony, Diana, George, and Laura standing inside, out of shot... Diana and George... Peri and Deb back inside the theatre... Randy relaxing... "Oh my!!!" Note to self: Bring some Gravol next time so I don't get dizzy from looking at all the hotties around me on set. LOL!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey i love the L word pics and my friend deb is so hot in the photo!
heheheh tracie
keep the good work edwin