Saturday 19 April 2008

Poker at the Hondas

I was off to play a little poker tonight at Henry and Betty's place. Here I am with Elsa riding in the backseat of Bruce's car.The Honda Family (Betty, Allison, and Henry) "Cards with the 'tards..." I lost $80 tonight. Now, here's the funny part of the night. I've been to Henry's house on another occasion for a game, but I never realized that I've been in that neighbourhood before until Dan arrived. He mentioned that he saw a hottie walking a dog just as he arrived at the house. That got us all talking and asking questions about the neighbours. The first question I asked jokingly was, "Is her name Deneen?" Obviously, no one knew, but when Henry mentioned that a Two Small Men with Big Hearts moving truck parks outside sometimes, that's when I jumped! It was Deneen! And who is Deneen? Why she's none other than Stacie's mom. LOL!!! I know Stacie through background work and I've actually been to the house which turns out to be, Henry and Betty's next door neighbour! I guess I didn't recognize the area because we would go to Henry's place at night. Anyways, when I realized who was next door, I grabbed my camera and rang the doorbell to take this photo. Ain't life funny sometimes?

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