Thursday 3 April 2008


Spotted on Episode 12 of Season 3, titled "Jus in Bello". I had nothing to do last night, so I thought I'd watch the episode I worked on last year. Yup, there I go running around the police station all possessed by a demon. "Aaarrgh!!!" I get the energy from all the Coca-Cola I drink at crafties. Now, the demons within us are being exorcised thanks to the show's heroes, Sam and Dean.Exorcism finished...Turn the lights on. It's time to get up!This was actually 3 fun days of shooting, 2 in the studio and 1 on location. Lying down on the job, ain't life grand?

1 comment:

Fatty said...

you should get more "possessed by demon" parts those shots look like it comes pretty naturally to you.