Friday 22 January 2010

Brunch & SingStar

Early this afternoon, I met-up with Fatty and Popa Fett at the Momento Coffee House. Fatty needed to pay a visit to Rick. Lila is such a fashionable European. We walked over to the local Milestone's because Rick wasn't in yet. I didn't get a chance to hang out with Fatty on his birthday, so I took him out for brunch today. Lila had to leave early, but Fatty and I returned to the cafe after our meal. Hey, there's one of Fatty's paintings on the wall! Actually, this place is named after that painting. Fatty bought me a Hot Chocolate. There's free Wi-Fi Internet access here. Yummy! The artist with his artwork in the background... I parted with Fatty after he finished his business at the Mac Market.
In the evening, I went over to Bryan and Stacie's place for a little SingStar action. Andrew and Beth were here trying on the Snuggie. Here's Dash playing with Chantelle! Mark and Chantelle were ready to sing. Tasha is in town this weekend! Oh no, Dash has 7 days left! Ah, it was a false alarm. Phew... I was Steve's proxy tonight. Game on! Dash fresh from a bath... My turn, my turn! This game is fun! Awww, a married couple duet... Dash wanted some human food. He just hoped Bryan would give him some. Andrew, Beth, and Dash... Stacie and Tasha did a little country line dancing. Tasha led the way. Bryan and Andrew going at it... Dash was done after tonight's antics. Big thanks to Bryan and Stacie for hosting the party!!!

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