Monday 25 January 2010

California Trip (Day 3)

Derek and Elizabeth took us out for Pho this afternoon. They found this restaurant that served Beef Tenderloin in their dish!
After our meal, we drove to the Grove.
I like this place.
I really do.
Derek on the glass staircase at the Apple Store...
I totally felt the music that the water fountains were synchronized to.
It's like a little town centre here.
There's the streetcar!
Elizabeth's hormones got her all emotional.
Posing with the window display...
My favourite representative was Babeeta.
Taking a ride on the streetcar...
This city will all be mine one day!
I will play Zeus like in "Clash of the Titans". A nice view from atop... They should have these in Vancouver. There was a little princess along for the ride! I drank my milkshake beside the Abercrombie & Fitch model. We met-up with Edwina and her friend, Alessandro here! As the others shopped, I met this cute dog, Ginger! Then we all walked over to the Farmers Market. I've got a big head. Here's Elizabeth sticking something in her mouth again. With some driving directions from Alessandro, we made our way to LAX. It was time to bid farewell to Derek. He had to go back to Vancouver this evening. "I have been and ever shall be... your friend." After dropping Derek off, we went over to the Del Amo Fashion Center. And then Elizabeth and Leanne did some groceries before we headed home.

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