Monday 16 May 2011

Congratulations to Boston Rob!!!

Fuck yeah!!! After his 4th try at the game of "Survivor", 'Boston Rob' Mariano has finally won it! Not only did he win a Million Dollars, but he also got an extra $100 000 for being voted as the fan favourite by viewers! This was a season I thoroughly enjoyed and I actually cried after all the votes were read in the finale. Watching him implement the 'Buddy System' and being a part of 'Stealth 'R Us' were absolutely brilliant. He and his tribe systematically eliminated the opposing Zapatera members with ease and his path to the Final Tribal Council was played to absolute perfection. 'Boston Rob' can now join his wife, Amber in the winners circle making them the ultimate "Survivor" Couple!
Congratulations to the Mariano Family!!!
Click here to watch the awarding of the cheque.

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