Friday 15 June 2012

Dogs, Mochas, Cars, and Tedi Bears!

On my way to workout, I bumped into one of my yoga instructors, Tedi and her partner in crime...
Mya!  Stealing the hearts of those they come across...  ;-)
When I was done at the gym, I walked over to Edgewater Casino to give Greg the hat I promised him.  It looks good on him!

As promised, I invited Adriana out for a Mocha at JJ Bean!  I told her if I was in her neighbourhood, I'd call her.  ;-)
Oh my goodness, another girl from my gym!

Seems like Michelle's been doing some shopping.  What a cutie pie!
Now, what's all the fuss about here?!?
Ahhh, it's the new Tesla Model S!
Fatty and I decided to check it out on display at Pacific Centre.
It's fully electric and damn does it have a lot of storage space!
While shopping at Costco, I got a gigantic bear hug!
Teddy Bear Heaven!!!
Later in the evening, Nick and I went over to Milestones for dinner.  You can never go wrong with their Grilled Chicken Pesto Fettuccine.  It's been my go-to dish here for years!
Dessert was all mine, baby!  ;-)

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