Sunday 1 August 2010

2010 Vancouver Pride Parade

It was my first time attending the Vancouver Pride Parade! I went down to Robson Street with Angela, Mel, and Norm to enjoy the festivities. The parade opened-up with the Dykes on Bikes! Hey, that's F/X make-up artist, Rachael! The newlyweds... Doggie!
The Haida...
Here come the Fuzz!
Look, it's a "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" float! They came in singing "Danke Schoen". And then they broke-out into "Twist and Shout". Check it out. They even have a Cameron Frye walking beside them!
That's Mel! More newlyweds! Pit Bulls... That little dog had the colours of a rainbow! Oh yeah, upskirts! Here come the Terminal City Rollergirls! This one had a nice booty!
Man in birthday suit...
The CTV float...
Angela noticed that this PBO had huge knockers!
Here comes the TD Canada Trust float!
There goes the fun crew. The BCSPCA... I had a chance to drive that Smart Car, but I took to long to volunteer.
Bring in the superheroes!
This guy was funny. He carried around that huge double-dong!
Bring these guys back home! Here come the Mounties! The CBSA... Angela and Mel... Actually, a lot of these photos were taken by Angela! Oh boy, the Trojan Men! I eventually noticed that one of them was... Brett! I loved their outfits. PBOs! This woman was nice enough to let me sit beside her at the front. I got dragged-out by this guy to dance with him! Will someone pay to get this guy some braces? Oh yeah!
Some more dancing...
This float got me doing the Bhangra!
These guys were having fun riding the whale. PBO approaching!
Doggie! Doggie! Greenpeace...
This group had cool costumes.
The Filipinos...
Some more newlyweds...
Now, this guy had the best outfit!
By far...
Someone was looking pretty familiar here.
It's Kate! I just remembered she entered a beauty pageant awhile ago.
Oh baby, here comes my favourite float!!!
PBOs!!! The blondie was my favourite.
The float blew tons of bubbles into the crowd! Oh man, look at that booty! She's coming over! I just had to get in there. ;) There they go. :( I was so pumped after that float went by! I got some free juice from the people of Happy Planet! I love this parade! I like the name on the back of her shirt. Squirt guns were popular in this parade. Go Angela, go!!! She's so awesome! PBO with a red boa... Dance routines... PBOs in the crowd...
There goes Angela again! That was the end of the line. We got a couple of photos with the mother and daughter pair that let us sit with them. They were fun! Angela and I didn't want the party to end, so we walked over to Beach Avenue to see the parade again! This time around, I got more shots of this PBO! It's the awesome outfit guy again! More shots of Kate... The Space Cowboys... My favourite float of the whole parade... Angela danced with the blondie this time! Oh man! Here they go! The blondie saw what was up and had to join in! Dance baby, dance! I just had to get the reverse angle. There goes my blonde booty. :( We had some PBOs dancing on the sidelines here! "Get in there, Ang!" LOL! We got hungry, so we went to Joe's Grill for some grub. Angela got the Chorizo Sausage Breakfast. I ordered the Banana Cinnamon French Toast! Nice shot, Ang! Some guys from the parade... Big thanks to Angela for buying!!! Celebrities was decked-out! LOL! This guy wanted to get his picture taken, so I obliged him. I can't believe it took me this long to finally watch the parade. It was so much fun, I can't wait for next year's! Gratitude to Angela for sharing her photos with me!!!


Fatty said...

lol awesome blogging!!! kept me entertained for a good half hour at least.....

The EdRocker said...

Well good because it took me most of the day to upload the photos! LOL!