Monday 18 October 2010

Austin Trip (Day 5)

This morning, I finally got my chance to visit Mellow Johnny's Bike Shop! Apparently, Lance Armstrong is a major shareholder of this business! It's got everything you would want in a bike store... and more! I bought myself a shirt. LOL! Ang and I proceeded to walk towards Zilker Park Boat Rentals. I took some shots of the interesting scenery along the way. There's an old train trestle purposely left here. In our rented canoe now. We got a deal through an online coupon from their website. Click here for their special offer. After paddling through Barton Springs, we made our way to Lady Bird Lake! I've been wanting to do this ever since we saw those people canoeing on our second day here. The city's skyline is pretty from here! Someone else is pretty from here too! We just passed the Lamar Boulevard Bridge in this photo. Ang is good at this. Because we were tight on time, we turned back. :-( It looks almost as if Ang was standing in the middle of the lake! Here's a couple of swans! And there they go! Paddling back down the stream... She's so cute! We saw so many turtles on this ride! Surprisingly, I got Angela to take a bus ride to the Texas State Capitol! Their transit system isn't as extensive as Vancouver's, but the fares are cheap. We only paid $2 for an All-Day Ride Pass! We kept seeing this place throughout our stay, so it was time to pay it a visit. Steve told me this Capitol is taller than the one in Washington, DC! Too bad they were doing renovations at the time. We'll have to come back to take better photos of it next time. ;-) A Civil War memorial... My baby was busy taking photos too. There she is! Another statue... And a canon! Quite impressive, I must say. Let's go in! The Treasury Department... Nothing, but beautiful architecture in here. Angela in awe... This staircase was so wide! I look so minuscule on it! The view from the second floor... The Lone Star State... Inside the Senate Gallery now... There was a guided tour being held. The tour guide looked and sounded like Jody! LOL! "Eeehaaawww!!!" A portrait of the Battle of the Alamo... All these seats remind me of extras holding. ;-) So much history has passed here. Posing with the flags... "Hi, Gorgeous!" As I ventured further to another level, Angela left to meet-up with her brother and Sarah to do a little shopping. I wasn't finished taking photos of this place. It's like something you see in the movies or in the news. The magnificent staircase again... On the fourth floor... Looking down... Going downstairs... Time to go shopping! I grabbed a bus to the University of Texas to do a little shopping at their University Co-op Store. After I bought my shirts, I took a stroll through the campus. It's lovely here. You can see the Capitol from here too! That's a statue of the first president of the United States! I love Austin! School Daze... So many trees at this university! The University of Texas Tower... I had to catch a bus to the airport at this point. :-( We said our goodbyes to Clan Fraser. Checking-in... Even their airport had live entertainment! Up in the air, leaving Austin... :-( We had so much fun in such little time. We have to come back to this city someday. :-) Back in Seattle, I bought Angela a Sourdough Jack from a local Jack in the Box. She didn't care for it much. LOL! Big thanks to Graham, Sarah, and her family for inviting us down!!! We Love Austin!!!


RAVINDRA said...

your photos are so real and natural ....thanx
pankaj and ravi india

The EdRocker said...

Thanks Rav!

Sam Anderson said...

Austin day trip for a tourist is fabulous because they not only explore new and beautiful places but also enjoy a great sunny trip day there.
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Katherine Mills said...

I wish to visit Austin not only to travel this beautiful city but also explore new places for a lovely trip.
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