Friday 2 July 2010

Hilda & Carina Take North Van

Guess who flew into town this morning! Hilda and Carina are here for 5 days. They were free today, so I suggested we get something to eat at Lonsdale Quay. Carina's rockin' My Little Pony. We all love Pavlova! I think it was Carina's first time trying it. She was all about eating the fruit. Yummy! After our meal, we walked along the pier. The Deuma Girls... I managed to keep the ghetto stroller out of this photo. Some self-timer action now. The weather turned out to be pretty nice today! Our next stop... Carina was a little scared, so her mommy carried her over. Waterfall... On the other side now... Ewww... A slug. Team Edward... "We must continue along this path." This little girl was pretty good at handling our route. PBO spotted! "Keep your eye on the prize!" Carina enjoyed playing by the water. She makes a pretty good decoy too. What? It was staring me right in the face. Time to head back. She's kind of elusive, this one. "Is the dark side stronger?" "No, no, no..." My turn to carry Yoda. On with the training. Our last stop of the day, Deep Cove! Every time I come here, I always get ice cream. This is one happy girl! Hilda pointed out that the store was generous with our portions. I actually ate two! We walked along the beach for a bit. Carina took some time to ponder as she sat on a log. It's beautiful here. "That Uncle Eddie, he's a silly guy isn't he?" asked Carina. LOL! We climbed up to one of the benches... and admired the view. "I'm flying, I'm flying." A self-portrait... There be PBOs here! Hilda pointed out that this bush was trimmed to look like a whale! Time to go. On the way home... we saw a deer feeding by the side of the road!

1 comment:

Boris said...

Nice photos...Thanks