Sunday 16 November 2014

2014 Vancouver Short Film Festival

I took my buddy out for a long walk today!
I guess the sun was a little too bright for him.
Gus always brings a smile to my face.  :-)
Time to head home.
In the evening, I went over to the Vancouver Short Film Festival to watch Pauline's film "Through the Pane".
During the retrospective portion, I saw Brendan Uegama go up for the Q&A portion to talk about his award-winning film "Henry's Glasses", but it turns-out that Misha should have been up there too.
The Bouake Hustle from Michael Kleider on Vimeo.
I never knew that his film "Bouake Hustle" won so many awards last year including Best Film!  :-O
This year it was Pauline Egan's turn to shine!
"Through the Pane" won a bunch of awards tonight including Best Film!
Congratulations to Justin and Pauline for a job well done!!!  :-)

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