Monday 24 October 2016

Full-Time Work (Season 2: Day 19)

Awww, it was good to see Cash after our first hiatus of the season!  :-)
Maria and Tina teased me from the set of "The Magicians".  LOL!
Introducing our newest director for this block, Jem!  :-)
She even knew what shirt to wear today!  ;-)
(Lucas Talent) like this one.
Little did we know, but we were about to be photobombed...
by Brandon and his Pug head!  Haha!
(Lucas Talent) tried feeding Kathryn (Showbiz Management) and Steve (Double Agents) a Cheeto.  Hehe...

Production: Confidential.
Type of Call: Stand-in.
Length of Call: 10 Hours.

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