Wednesday 29 July 2015

One Double 'O' (Season 3: Day 2)

Our holding looked like a funhouse today!  ;-)
Awww, Joelle (Showbiz Management) was tired from our early morning call time.
This is all I bring to this show.
I miss the LSCR.  We still can't film there because it's considered a fire hazard due to current our heatwave.  :-(

Production: Click here.
Type of Call: 43 Background.
Length of Call: 8 5/10 Hours.
After we wrapped, I drove over to the Deumas to wait-out the rush hour traffic.  Carina showed me the new book she was reading, but look at the title!  It was also about a Labradoodle!  :-)
And I just had to share this cute photo of Angie and Matt's daughter dancing with Angus.  :-)

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