Monday 27 July 2015

An Alternate History (Day 3)

Well...  That's not Randy.  Hehe...
It's Gus!  He got a big hug from Sharmaine when he arrived at the studio.  :-)
He chilled-out as Uncle Colin got dressed.
Then he fell asleep...
and woke-up...
when his mom arrived to pick him up.
The Megatron just got back from her trip to Bella Bella.
Awww, he was so excited to see his mom!  :-)
Gus wasn't the only dog at work today.  This is Akiko's show.  :-)

Production: Click here.
Type of Call: 10 Background.
Length of Call: Hours.
After I got wrapped, I went downtown for a workout and discovered the true identity of Nightwing!  ;-)

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