Saturday 17 October 2015

Sushi, Toys, and Games!

After my little swim, I drove over to the General Public to meet Jude and his mom!
"Now how are we all going to fit in that?" asked Han.
Mandi eventually joined us (the organizer of this lunch date).
Here come the sushi!  :-)
And to top it all off...  Deep-fried Mars Bars!

Thanks for the invite Mandi!!!  :-)
Once we were done eating, we walked over to The Granville Island Toy Company.  I couldn't believe my eyes when Rachael pointed-out this toy to me!?!  The banker even has a smile on his face as he hands the money over to the robber.  LOL!
Now, this one's for Colin and those guys.  Hehe...  ;-)
In the evening, I went down to Rory's place to play some board games!
We played Tales of the Arabian Nights for the first time...
and then we ended our night with a game of Carcassonne!  :-)

Gratitude to Rory and Rhiannon for hosting!!!


Unknown said...

Monty mentioned I was in your blog, and I said, "what blog?"

But there I am!

The EdRocker said...

Yes, you are!!! :-)