Saturday 22 January 2011

Partini Night

I was at Shellaine and Ron's tonight. I ate a yummy scone in the presence of Sharyssa. Sharlem and his mother, Sharelle... It was time to play 'Partini'! More and more people kept showing-up. :-) Sharyssa played her own game, but I don't know what. "What the hell has happened to Dijon's hair?!?" Apparently, it's the result of a raw food diet. :-( Madeleine and her daughter, Yasmeen... Sharyssa and Yasmeen enjoyed some time on an iPad. Our future is in their hands. ;-) "More shots, girls?!?" Drunk girls tend to have a hard time concentrating to play 'Partini'. ;-) Gratitude to Shellaine and Ron for hosting the night!!! We switch over to the Roxy, now. Apparently, while I was spending the night playing games, Fatty was busy making a new friend! "Hey Jean-Claude, say, 'hello,' to my fist!" At the end of the night when it was time to close, only Fatty had the guts to kick-out the 'Compact Muscles from Brussels' from the club. LOL!

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