Monday 20 January 2014

Gus in the Fog

Yup, I took the furry one out for a walk this morning.
Jack Poole Plaza was pretty empty, so it was perfect.
The morning fog was still lingering in the city!
Awww, I think he's wondering what happened to the tip of his tail.
Uncle Fatty and I dyed it blonde last night, that's what!
Upward-Facing Dog and the Olympic Cauldron.
Gus monitored the fog's progress.  I fucken love his tail!
You can see it from far away!
LOL!  He was my model for the day.
What a good boy!
As the day cleared-up, we bumped into his opposite self!
Now, that's a Yellow Labradoodle!
In the early afternoon, we went out for brunch with the Popa Fatt at Joe's Grill!

Thanks for the grub you guys!!!  :-)

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