Saturday 14 November 2015

Lesley & Leslie

"To be or not to be?"
Lesley invited a bunch of us over for one of her painting parties,
but this time it was different.  She had us each uniquely paint a Frankenstein's Monster head for $100!  Her production plans to give them away to employees of the week.  ;-)
Thank you Lesley!!!  :-)
Next, I was off to the River Rock Hotel to celebrate the life of Carolyn's late husband Terry.  Paula and a bunch of us enjoyed the swimming pool...
and then some of us went upstairs for the buffet.  It turns out Carolyn's sister-in-law is Leslie.  25 years ago, she and I worked together at Central Guaranty Trust!  It took me awhile to figure it out, but after listening to her voice for a few minutes at dinner, it all came back to me.  Her husband Rob said, "The world just got smaller!"  LOL!
After all the eats, we retired in Carolyn's suite.
We had a few drinks and chatted until 04:00!  It was great to meet Carolyn's friends and family and of course, re-connecting with Leslie was pretty crazy.
Gratitude to Carolyn for a lovely time and my condolences to all that were close to Terry.

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