Wednesday 4 November 2015

Gus & I Run Errands

Gus and I walked around Yaletown this morning and we stopped by Reckless Bikes to visit Brian.  A pretty woman took an immediate liking to my trusty sidekick!
Gus like her too!  Haha!
"TK-421, why aren't you at your post?"  ;-)

Once noon hit, we dropped by Lucas Talent to pick-up some cheques.
Now we had the money to buy food, so we met-up with Kelvin for lunch at Salsa and Agave!  Hehe...
In the evening, I finally picked-up my Guinness shirt from Gus' grandparents!  They bought it for me when they visited the brewery in Dublin.
Oh, I also bought a new leash to match Gus' tag.  ;-)
Brian is turning 65 and retiring tomorrow, so I got him something special to save the world!  ;-)

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