Friday 4 September 2009

Office Romance

Michelle (Showbiz Management), the newly married one was working with me today! This is the fifth day this week that I've been with Marie (Showbiz Management)! Caroline (Keystone Extras) with Michelle (Showbiz Management) "the Blur"... The boys helped each other out on tying their cravats in holding. This is the first time I've ever seen Wanda (In-Motion Talent) with long hair! I really like it! Paula (Keystone Extras) sitting on my (Keystone Extras) lap... It's been awhile since we've worked together. She (Keystone Extras) kept me (Keystone Extras) at her arm's length. Lunch time on a picnic table... Michelle (Showbiz Management) just had Salad and Watermelon! Production: Click the entry's title. Type of Call: 25 Background. Length of Call: 10 1/4 hours.

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