Thursday 29 April 2010

Hangin' with Alesha

Japa Dog anyone? Since the weather was nice today, I called up Alesha to see if she was free to hang out. And she was, so we decided to go for a walk along the seawall. Of course, I snapped a few photos along the way. Here she is with our Olympic Cauldron on her left shoulder and what looks like to be a Lego Orca sculpture on her right shoulder. Hey, this is where I usually start my Stanley Park run. That totem pole is naked! It belongs at Wreck Beach. Alesha is from Australia and is staying here on a Working Holiday Visa! I'm trying to come up with other things to see and do in our city, but it's tough because I take so much for granted here. Well, she's never seen that rock behind her before. ;) Alesha's got a blog too! It's called "Al's Adventure".


Anonymous said...

hahaha fun times! I look a bit cold eh!

The EdRocker said...

It was the wind! And remember, I said you looked sophisticated?

Anonymous said...

Haha yes. I remember.