Tuesday 6 October 2009

Team Alpha (Day 1)

We were out in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere on this chilli morning to work on this feature film. I (Keystone Extras) caught a ride with Dave (In-Motion Talent). It's his first time doing extra work! That's Jacob (Golden Empire Talent) to my (Keystone Extras) right. And that's Ray (Keystone Extras) in front of me! I didn't know he signed-up for this line of work. Lunch time!
Look into my (Keystone Extras) eyes.
There's Glenn (Local Color) wearing shades.
Tim (Def-Con -5 Talent) giving me the English version of the Bird. Zoe (Local Color) kissing my (Keystone Extras) head after we wrapped... I (Keystone Extras) waited with Aubrey (Keystone Extras) for the sign-out line to diminish. Fellow photog, Petr (Keystone Extras)... J.C. (Keystone Extras) and his attitude... Olivani (LJR Talent Inc.) with his arms akimbo... Production: Click the entry's title. Type of Call: Cattle, 260 Background. Length of Call: 13 1/4 hours.

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