Monday 18 August 2008

Stuck on an Island (Day 5)

We were shooting on location in Deep Cove today! Here we are seeking shelter from the morning rain.Background holding with Brynn at the far table... A beautiful view of the harbour... Denisa and Kelvin posing... Everyone enjoying the sunrise... Our wrangler, Tim... On the boat... What's that in the water? A seal! Kevin on the phone... The clouds reminded us of a pair of eyebrows. Tracie got tickled from both sides by Jade and Houston. Lunch time... The photo dogs, Chico and Eggo enjoying their break... Timmy and Tammy... Some local residents came by our set! The blonde Golden Retriever was so cute! Aaawww... Certainly, a highlight of our day. "There's that guy!" Enjoying a little down time... FYI: In a crew , the coxswain (or simply the cox) is the member who sits in the stern (except in bowloaders) facing the bow, steers the boat, and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers. Peter with Surya in the back... If you yell at Peter in the morning, he will yell back at you, "Why are you shouting at me?!?" Production: Click the entry's title. Type of Call: 45 Background. Length of Call: 13 hours.

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