Friday 27 July 2007

Gone Clubbing III

After eating at Pajo's, we went to Christian's place and look who was there to greet us, Cypher!!! Two more Calgarians here for the weekend! Mike and Jodi... Mike's playing in the Dolphin Park Classic. Cypher chillin'... Hangin' out at the patio... Ready to go clubbing downtown... We passed by Soho Billiards first. While ordering a drink at the front counter, Jodi got into a debate with the attendant. The bartender insisted that Crown Royal was rum, but Jodi knew better. LOL!!! The girls who were giving out Trojan Condoms tonight... A Trojan outside of Shine... We hung out in the second room first. Newlyweds, Hedley and Lynn... Jodi... And her bum... Whoa, nice legs!!! Hey, it's Glen! The main dance floor. Andrew's teeth... "What's everyone looking at?" Fight!!! His night was over. Back to dancing... Shooters served with a smile... The inebriated shot... DJ Hedspin... Some dude breakdancing... Andrew and Jodi do some artistic posing... "Yaaa!!!" I left the club earlier to drive the car closer... Because Jodi had a hard time walking in her fancy shoes. LOL!!! "Get in the car!" "Hurry, close the door and drive!" Jodi's night was quickly coming to an end. The garbage on Granville Street... All the crazies on the strip... "Goodnight Jodi." We drove home shorty after and without stopping at a 7-Eleven. LOL!!!

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