Friday 12 December 2008

Back for More, Again?

I was back at this studio to finish off some more continuity shots for this feature film. Here's Jen (our wrangler) holding up the pretty wooden cutting boards she and her husband made. They're selling them for $40 each. I noticed they had the same colour scheme as her hair. LOL!!! Speaking about hair, this is Hana (Def-Con -5 Talent) tying her's back. Crystal (Local Color) was a new addition to our group. Actually, there were only 5 of us original continuity folk that were able to come back today. Elizabeth (Local Color), seen here spacing out was another plug-in. LOL!!! It was supposed to be a short day, but we stayed longer than expected, long enough to get lunch. Yeah, baby!!! Big thanks to Jen for giving a few of us a ride to the Skytrain station!!! It was snowing today! Production: Click the entry's title. Type of Call: 20 Background. Length of Call: 7 1/4 hours.

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