Thursday 5 February 2009

New Looks in Downtown

Looks like the first Hollister store in Vancouver is already open.  If this had happen 2 years ago, I would have had a hard-on.  But I already have enough shirts from this company to last 2 weeks.  Besides the prices at the Canadian stores suck!  I made the usual B-line to the clearance corner and found shirts at $24.95 in this store.  A couple years ago, whenever I'd go across the border to do some shopping, I always made a point of hitting this store to pick-up a few $5 shirts.  I don't think it's going to be a possibility in this city.  LOL!!! Damn, the Granville Mall certainly looks different without it's trees!  Model:  MOMMIETRON.  Photos by the Ed Rocker.

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