Tuesday 1 July 2008

Cafe Diem

I was back at the Vancouver Film Studios today with Tracie and Jade.Josh... Our holding in the morning... Gina... Oh look, it's Tasha! When will Stacie make it on my blog? Herb... He and Josh moved to Vancouver from the Okanagan to work on their favourite shows that were being filmed here! Love is always in the air on set. Tracie and Manny hanging out at crafties... Our wrangler, Brynn with Hayley and Jon... The boys... "Who are you texting, Tash? Stacie?" I asked. My guess was correct. Newcomer, Meaghan who also happens to be with Keystone Extras... Lunch time... Michael kept his food away from the paparazzi. Alicia and Jarod getting some rest... Playing Rummy with Mike, Will, Brynn, and Meaghan... Kieran... At one point in the day, Jimmy's crafties truck leaked some water into holding. Tasha did a little posing with it. But as we were reviewing my camera for the photos, the water sprayed out so strong that it hit the both of us!!! We got so soaked! LOL!!! That's Shelby. She performed some prana and reiki on me today. I fell asleep because it was so relaxing! Production: Click the entry's title. Type of Call: 38 Background. Length of Call: 13 1/2 hours.

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