Monday 21 July 2008

On Location in Coquitlam

There was a lot of shuttling going on this morning. This is Penny, one of our drivers today. Martin and Wanda... Along with Wanda, Troy was a double-dipper today... (background performer and stand-in) "Bonjour," said Jane. Shelby on the pole inside one of the staggin' wagons... Josh and Analore... Dean (in glasses) was kind enough to give Analore and me a ride from Riverview Hospital to the crew park this morning. Riccia had a turn on the pole as well. Shelby... We just relaxed inside here until they started to shoot. The reason why I stay single coming up in the next photo... Analore loving the pole!!! Our holding tent... Most of the background got wrapped after the shooting the second scene. We went back to the crew park and those that had to stay proceeded back to Riverview Hospital. I got a ride back with Jane this time! Photo courtesy of Paul... Enjoying some convertible action... Jane behind the wheel... Laying back and enjoying the sun on the ride to our second location... Paula looking beautiful in her dress... Originally, we weren't scheduled for lunch, but they were running behind, so they fed us.After we wrapped, Jane and I walked around the old building and took photos. This is where she belongs. Aaarghh!!! So creepy!!! Jane was nice enough to give Analore and I, a lift back into town. Aaawww... Jane was so flattered by a gift she received from one of the crew. Production: Click the entry's title. Type of Call: 57 Background. Length of Call: 8 hours. After dropping off Analore, Jane and I went to her apartment. This was the view from her place! It's so awesome! She's lucky to have this spot. That pink and yellow apartment was where my family lived when we first moved to Vancouver. After enjoying the view upstairs, we went down to the pool to take in some sun.Uuuhhh...

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