Saturday 12 July 2008

Calgary Trip (Day 4)

I was on my way to Kate and Joel's wedding this morning, but thanks to the antiquated Calgary Transit, I missed the whole ceremony! The bus servicing this area broke down, so I had to wait another hour for the next one. I finally arrived at Sacred Heart Church, just in time for a little photo op.
It's so funny, pratically all my friends in this city were married at this church. Some familiar faces here... Whoa! Hot blondies at a Filipino wedding?!?
There's the bride and groom.
Wilma and her son, Lucas... Wil and Gil with their son... Posing with Andrew and Fred... Big group shot...
Kristin!!! A bunch of us went to Andrew and Kristin's for lunch. "Release the hound!"
This is Roxy the Border Collie. Steve and Jen... "Pour me a Coke, Kris!" Alma and Fred drove all the way down from High Prairie for the wedding. Chillin' on the patio...
Mike was all nervous about being the M.C. this evening. Time for the Roxy show!
She's so cute! She's the only dog in this house now because sadly, Kasey has passed on. After eating pizza at the Dixons, I went with Fred and Alma to their place in the south.
I was excited to see Monroe!!! She's speaking! Monroe has been one of my favourite dogs for over 10 years now! She grew up with me, you know. I always miss her! Now, this is Hasbro the Pug.
He belongs to Alice. Monroe's speaking again! Alice with her daughter, Grace... Alice and her husband, Rory live here now since Fred and Alma moved up to High Prairie. Look at this guy's face. Grace laughing and crying...
Poor Monroe, had to wait for her turn to eat. Alice getting her food... Always speaking... Hasbro and Monroe...
Enjoy this video.  
Here's Alice getting the dogs to pose.
We were off to the wedding reception at the Valley Ridge Golf Club.
Liz... Maribeth and Jeff...
Kristin, Marife, and Wilma... Owen between the lovely ladies...
Our table, Number 3... The elusive, Landrew...
Caught!!! Posing with Josephine... Mike on the microphone... Mister and Missus Joel and Kate Sison!!!
The group at my table... Victor and Liz... Christian answering a couple of questions to get the couple to kiss...
The salad... Joel with his men... My table again... Getting a shot with the newlyweds...
Jorge... Kate with her bridesmaids...
The Vancouver table... My ex-roommates, Alma and Fred... Athena and Neal...
Steve and Jen... The Dicks with Ears... Our main course... The couple of the day, Kate and Joel!!! Tattoo on her back...
The dessert... "Come Josephine in My Flying Machine..."
My ear... Damn, blurry shot of our table with the newlyweds! The couple giving their "thank you" speech...
Christian... Myla and Alberto... Aileen and Jorge... Antoinette and Hubert... Jeanine and Alex...
The lovely golf course...
I just noticed that Liz has really nice legs! "I'm staying in one of those houses up there."
Marife in between Owen and Alex... Enter Joel... Joel with a couple of his friends from Red Deer... Here's the rest of the crew!
Filipino Justin Timberlake... Nice view to the bar... The couple's first dance...
"Look here, you guys!" Everyone watching... Time for the single girls to gather...
For the throwing of the bouquet. It's so funny, they had to do it twice because no one wanted to catch it! But eventually, Athena caught it the second time. The retrieval of the garter...
"Get in there, Joel!" All the single men... "Screw that shit!" Aaawww... It's Nicolette's friend, Liz!!! I haven't seen her in awhile. The dancing begins!!!
BFFs... Sooja and Mike...
Erin came by to pick-up Christian later in the evening. "This Wilma is mine."
Congratulations to Kate and Joel!!! And thank you for a wonderful evening!!!

1 comment:

Fatty said...

congratulations Joel. looked like an awesome wedding!

-next time don't invite the rocker seems he's creepin on all the babes!